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As an intern with “The Florida Review” Literary Journal, I have had the opportunity this semester to read, review and critique a multitude of submitted manuscripts from authors seeking publication in the journal. This has been one of the highlights of my semester. When I began the semester I chose to read any genre submission: Poetry, Fiction or Nonfiction. I picked my way through a lot of coal. The work at times laborious and exhausting, but every so often I would come across rough stone that with some polishing, would be worthy of publication. One of the first nonfiction manuscripts I took home for a weekend, a near sixty page piece, I could not put down. In fact, I read it twice and brought it in the following week to the intern “hot box” with a shining recommendation. I was so excited about mining this piece, I could not stop talking about it. Because of that piece, I ended up narrowing my focus toward reading the nonfiction pieces. I snatched new submissions as they entered the “just-in” box, eager for another fresh-find. Interestingly, the nonfiction category receives the least amount of entries, or so it seems but I discovered something interesting: Death and creatures. Yes, death and creatures. The majority of nonfiction submissions I read touched on those two topics. In one week I read about two murders, three attempted suicides, and four creatures: Peacocks, hummingbirds, a bat, and a turtle. Scratch that a murdered bat and a dying turtle. While some of those were pretty good, others were less than stellar. Next week is the my final editorial meeting of the semester. Collectively, our small group interns will gather at the round-table to hash out exactly what gets published in the next journal. I will be one of the collaborative voices pushing, debating, discussing and voting on making the next issue the best yet. The journal has a long history of publishing excellent work, from talented writers, but never before have I had an opportunity to be a part of its publishing team. This is where I need your help. Part of our assignment is to find new subscribers. A subscription for the year consists of two issues, mailed “hot off the press” for only $15.00.  It is not a recurring (although I have a feeling you’ll become hooked) and makes a thoughtful gift. Would you click the link below and subscribe to a year of “The Florida Review” literary journal. My G.P.A. and I would be quite appreciative. Widgets

Thank you in advance, Cassie

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