
Urban decay. Falsas Promesas Broken Promises, ...
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“totally intense, it figures you wouldn’t know what to do with me…put me into a little box, where I stay for a minute before I need to break free”

GUILTY:  Urbanite, High “driver” all the way, perpetual cynic, movie-holic, recovering shopaholic, super hero (Random Girl here), serial daydreamer (longing for the life of a professional vagabond/beach bum/sailor…navigating the seas, roaming from country to country…stopping long enough to savor the cultural flavor before moving to another port), toe tapper, fidgeter, and freight train…driving a zillion miles-an-hour. Sometimes I meow and sometimes I roar, often I purr.

LIVES FOR:  Botox and cheese, black licorice (get your paws off my Good and Plenty’s,) water (drinking it, swimming in it, smelling it, being near it, being in it), New York city – SOHO and the Village, the subway, Chicago and the metra, the smell of fresh rain, a clean kid and pancakes with real maple syrup, getting sweaty at the gym, designer salads, laughing so hard I have to pee, people who make me laugh so hard I have to pee, making people laugh so hard they pee, people who follow their dreams, painting, feeling vibrant and productive, curling bare toes in sand, cool summer days, warm summer nights, days spent on the lake and feeling the wind on my face as we jet across the water, old convertibles (I once saw a woman with wild hair driving an old Stingray…it felt like freedom), my grandfathers Ford Model T, splashing with my red-headed mini-me in the ocean waves, spitting watermelon seeds on summer day, juicy oranges, stealing kisses when she’s tucked in tight, people who say what they mean and mean what they say, traveling with no agenda, exploring new places and ones long forgotten, music the mighty elixir, internalizing a script so deeply your not sure where you leave off and your character begins, nonsense, wordplay, sarcasm and cynicism…

Make me laugh, make me smile, for you I just might stay awhile.

Welcome to my urban decay, my nonsense, my balderdash way…

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