“How I know I’ll Never be a Soccer Mom”
Produced by Weinstein Brothers
Directed by Oliver Stone
Starring Jennifer Garner

Traversing the Urbanola jungle isn’t easy, but someone has to do it. Enter the mercurial emotions and Botox dreams of a seemingly ordinary ‘urban-life-manager’ in a modern day “Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolff” meets “Baby Boom.” Go careening from the mundane (like unearthing the long lost PBJ strategically wedged beneath cookies’ seat) to stopping briefly to unravel the mysteries of the ‘bro-mance’ and how mini-me’s ‘butt-tawks,’ before veering into necessary retaliation of booby trapping aforementioned SUV and avoid future jelly-jam crises. Even though our laptop hugging, ‘True Religion’ loving heroine defines the PTA as ‘Please Try Again’ and would slash her tires to get out of the car pool, she’s got dreams (albeit many involve a skilled surgeon, abs of steel and a three inch stomach reduction…in no particular order). Longing for “Great Expectations” we find her tantalized (well of course… sex sells) and torn, in a saucy version of “Closer,” leaving her struggling to retain her marriage, regain her identity and maintain her last shred of sanity in this off-beat black comedy.
