“It’s coming.” Said you


“What’s that?” Said i


“Change.” Said you


“Change? Change has come and gone and come again. It’s the only constant. You’ve been busy. Haven’t noticed.” Said i


“But I’m afraid of change.” Said you


“The hardest part is waiting. With change you skip-the-line. It’s a VIP pass straight to the ride.” Said i




With desperation you looked at me

I could see adequate fascination in your deep blue eyes

You questioned my actions

An intensity only you could deliver.


Remember the only constant in time is change

and only change is constant

I warned


Trying desperately to make you understand

the future is not something I can tell

nor do I know if I can give

what you want

if I only knew what it was


And if I did know these answers would I relinquish them so willing?


So time lingered

as predicted

adequacy became waning

as I warned


Parting company was easy, no hard feelings

except for a slight loneliness we had both dealt with before

with others we cared only too little about


It’s too bad we felt this way

for we too

remain constant

as changes always do