Posts tagged ‘lips’


…as your hand grazed my incandescently illuminated flesh

lips parted



my next…


and just as soon as I came…

I left

in search of another


yours too had worn off


bittersweet succulence

engraved relentless

in clouded memories


i took your moment and made it mine

…feeling nothing


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“Meow…tasty little tweety,” thought the kitty as he licked his lips. Swatting the toy mouse across the heart pine floor, he yawned.  Like the king in his castle, he sauntered to his favorite spot in the golden sunroom. Sunlight streamed through the bay window, warming his silky fur. He plopped down, lifted his leg and began to lick his…paw. Satisfied, he drifted off for a cat-nap to dream of far-away lands full of field mice.