Posts tagged ‘observation’

Just Omit Yeast: A Recipe for Simple Living or a Life of Loafing?

Henry David Thoreau

Image by psd via Flickr

Just Omit Yeast: A Recipe for Simple Living or a Life of Loafing?

A Literary Critique of Henry David Thoreau‘s Walden

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” (Thoreau 1681).

If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, it is fire and brimstone for me. I wish I had a Genie or a Munchkin. What I would give for a munchkin with a clipboard to follow me around; a copious note taker to do my bidding. Instead, I have a six-year-old monkey who

follows me around chittering incessantly and eats like a NFL linebacker in a bulking stage.

Dreams. I dream of the day when I can go to the bathroom without company and Barbie puts away her own shoes. Do not get me wrong, I love being a Mom. My kid is as cool as they come, but she is a mini-me. Yes, I said but. Have you ever tried living with a little version of yourself? It is not easy, and it certainly is not simple. It is complicated, very complicated.

You see the warning “they” fail to give, when you are contemplating Motherhood, is guilt. I read Dr. Spock and Dr. Seuss. I read “What to Expect When Your Expecting” and “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.” Not one book I read mentioned anything about guilt. And I am torn. Between wanting to complete assignments on time and her freckled little nose and monkey-mouth that spouts Elmer Fuddisms like “weally” and “actuwally” and “will you wead me Hawwy Potter?”

Cover of

Cover of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Oh, the guilt. Come on! Why did I not get that memo? The one that says, “Oh by the way…Motherhood is riddled with a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” sense of guilt. Batten down the hatches and prepare yourself, Ginger.” Nope, didn’t get that memo. Instead, my mid-wife sent me home four hours after giving birth and said, “Have fun.” And when we in turn called her four hours later and said, “The baby, she won’t stop crying.” Our ‘Special Beginnings’ membrane-stripper in her infinite wisdom said, “Yup they do that.”

The thing is I do not think anyone can prepare you for the guilt. It is par for the course. It is the trade-off. With all the fun, the funny and cute things your kid does, the one thing that runs through your mind constantly is, “Dear Lord, please help me to not screw her up and please allow her to forgive me when I do.”

So, in a week when I am pondering my perpetual tardiness, The Communist Manifesto and analyzing loons and beans in 180 pages of Thoreau’s “transcendental strip-tease,” I cannot help but ask myself what is the point? What in the hell am I doing?

More to the point, that is THE point. Trust yourself. Get out of your box, your pattern, your head. Get spiritual. Think. Simplify.

Besides my regular prayer not to “mess up” my kid, my spiritual this week involved thanking the powers-that-be for the saints at who read and record the classics in the public domain, free of charge. Otherwise about page forty-five (give or take) I would have gouged my eyes out with a stick I’d rescued from the pile of clippings in my backyard and laboriously whittled down to a sharp point. After reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, it is clear that this self-published transcendentalist loved to hear his own voice and his verbose opinions almost as much as he loved nature. Thoreau, though he valued economydid not value the economy of words. By page 180, I am well acquainted with the loon’s diabolical laugh, racial wars between ants and schizophrenic squirrels. Of course, my mere opinion does not amount to a hill of Thoreau’s beans considering Walden has served his recipe of contradictions, of provocation, of poking for over 160 years.

So what was Thoreau trying to tell readers in 1854, that is ‘Thoreauly’ applicable today? What is the point? I had to dig deeper. I had to shed my preconceived notions. I had to apply Walden to my life. Yegads! That is when it hit me. Like a brick. I had a cutting aha moment. One of those moments that you hate to have because you realize that something you have learned has actually taught you something…about yourself. And you are not exactly sure it is a lesson you want to learn because learning it disrupts the life pattern you have created and perpetuated. And obviously, this pattern gives you some sort of chaotic satisfaction on a deeper level, which is precisely the reason you want to ignore the lesson in the first place. However, now knowing what you know means that you cannot go unknowing it and therefore you cannot ignore it…without guilt.

I racked my brain to come up with what to write on Thoreau’s transcendental principles, my weekly column, a third essay on Marxism in Huckleberry Finn, all due within 24 hours of each other, my pattern is to panic.

Thoreau says, “We need the tonic of wildness . . . At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature” (1802).

Instead of panicking, I did as Thoreau might have done. I went outside. In Nature, with my books, I basked in the sun, reading, writing, absorbing. Within forty-five minutes, I changed seats four times, brushed six carpenter ants off me (or perhaps it was only one persistent carpenter ant, I am not sure), evaded a wasps stinger and feared skin cancer. On top of that, I now smelled.

Clearly this was not working. The only tonic I wanted was one laced with gin. I had yet to be inspired to whip up a quick essay like a clichéd walk in the park; it was no picnic. Then I remembered something. About the middle of last semester, I came across a book on sale at the campus bookstore and bought it. The book, an international bestseller, titled: Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter by Elaine St. James. I dashed inside and, as noble as my intentions were at the time, there it sat, untouched, collecting dust, on my bookshelf.

Having yet to make the Thoreauvian connection, I opened the book to the inside flap of the dust jacket and read:

Simplify, Simplify.” That’s what Henry David Thoreau urged his fellow Americans to do a hundred and fifty years ago. With remarkable foresight, he saw our lives being “cluttered with furniture” and “ruined by heedless expense, by want of calculation and a worthy aim.” Now, Elaine St. James has turned Thoreau’s philosophy into sensible advice for the twenty-first century. (St. James)

So what next? How to apply Thoreau’s principles to my life? How could I transcend? How could I get wild? What would be my recipe? Figuring best beginnings are best began by defining moments; I went to the online dictionary.

Quote from Henry David Thoreau on Library Way ...

Image via Wikipedia

Step One: Flour & Salt or Get Clear & Define Your Terms.

What is transcendentalism? Allan Sugg says it is “limited and subjective” with major principles being: freethinking, self-reliance and non conformity, growth and renewal of the individual, revolt against tradition and established institutions, civil disobedience, brotherhood of man, nature and spiritual unity, and educational reform” (Sugg). includes the following definitions:

Transcend: To rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; To outdo or exceed in excellence, elevation, extent, degree, etc.; surpass; excel. To be above and independent of (the universe, time, etc.). To be transcendent or superior; To pass beyond the limits of: emotions that transcend understanding. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe). (

Transcendentalism: To be of transcendental character, thought, or language. Also called transcendental philosophy: Any philosophy based upon the doctrine that the principles of reality are to be discovered by the study of the processes of thought, or a philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical. A movement in nineteenth-century American literature and thought that called on people to view the objects in the world as small versions of the whole universe and to trust their individual intuitions. (

If not only Thoreau, but Emerson, are considered core transcendentalists, where the movement thrived in the 1840’s and shaped America’s personality; shaped her attitude towards “individualism, nature, religion, philosophy, education, politics, society and culture” (Sugg). If these rebels, “who expressed new ideas and new ways of writing on a whole spectrum of principles(Sugg) defined the American, rugged and individualistic, can I allow it to define me?

What does being wild mean? What is wildness defined as? Is it thoughts? Actions? A mindset? The online dictionary defines wildness as:

1. Living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated; 2. Growing or produced without cultivation or the care of humans; 3. Uncultivated, uninhabited, or waste; 4. Uncivilized or barbarous; 5. Of unrestrained violence, fury, intensity, etc.; violent; furious: wild strife; wild storms. 6. Characterized by or indicating violent feelings or excitement, as actions or a person’s appearance; 7. Frantic or distracted; 8. Violently or uncontrollably affected; 9. Undisciplined, unruly, or lawless; 10. Unrestrained, untrammeled, or unbridled; 11. Disregardful of moral restraints as to pleasurable indulgence; 12. Unrestrained by reason or prudence; 13. Amazing or incredible; 14. Disorderly or disheveled; 15. Wide of the mark; 16. Informal. intensely eager or enthusiastic. (

Step Two: Olive Oil & Honey – Omit Yeast or Get Wild, True, Essential, Pure

In a lecture, Ann Woodlief at Virginia Commonwealth University describes Walden astranscendental strip tease.” Thoreau forces us to think to get down to the essentials of our being, our thought process. To omit what is not necessary. For example, take Thoreau’s account of the art of bread making:

I made a study of the ancient and indispensable art of bread-making…going back to the primitive days and first invention of the unleavened kind, when from the wildness of nuts and meats men first reached the mildness and refinement of this diet, and travelling gradually down in my studies through that accidental souring of the dough which, it is supposed, taught the leavening process, and through the various fermentations thereafter, till I came to “good, sweet, wholesome bread,” the staff of life. Leaven, which some deem the soul of bread, the spiritus which fills its cellular tissue, which is religiously preserved like the vestal fire — some precious bottlefuldid the business for America, and its influence is still rising, swelling, spreading, in cerealian billows over the land…one morning I forgot the rules, and scalded my yeast; by which accident I discovered that even this was not indispensableand I have gladly omitted it sinceYet I find it not to be an essential ingredientand I am glad to escape the trivialness of carrying a bottleful in my pocket…It is simpler and more respectable to omit it. Man is an animal who more than any other can adapt himself to all climates and circumstances. (Thoreau 1665)

My pattern is chaos. It is analytical. It is a striving to be proper, correct, right…perfect. It results in hours of activity with little productivity. It does not work. It is not enjoyable. So why do I do it? Fear. Fear of being wrong. Fear of a failure. Fear of failing.

Thoreau’s Walden urged me to think about that. What would happen if I did not do what I normally did and got a little wild? Would I enjoy the process more? Would it reflect positively in my productivity? What would happen if I did not do it the way I considered the “proper” or “right” way, but instead infused creativity and fun? Can I be wild with purpose? Would I not be, as Thoreau, trusting my instincts and being transcendental?

Thoreau says:

Walden Pond

Image by Matito via Flickr

As I came home through the woods . . . I caught a glimpse of a woodchuck stealing across my path, and felt a strange thrill of savage delight, and was strongly tempted to seize and devour him raw; not that I was hungry then, except for that wildness which he represented . . . The wildest scenes had become unaccountably familiar. I found in myself, and still find, an instinct toward a higher, or, as it is named, spiritual life, as do most men, and another toward a primitive rank and savage one, and I reverence them both. I love the wild not less than the good . . . We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience.” (Thoreau 1745).

For me, wildness would not involve eating a woodchuck, but something as simple as expressing my gut opinion, without second guess, thus allowing me to submit a paper on time. It would mean trusting myself to know, what I know, and put it into play without overanalyzing.

Step Three: Knead & Bake or Putting It All Together.

Several years ago, I accompanied my former spouse on a company trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I had just become a Mother; my daughter was six months old. The executives had scheduled an early morning excursion. Fifty-plus people loaded a tour bus, most hung-over from the night before, some still drunk, which deposited up at the base of the mountain. As a group, we then hiked to the top to the El Yunque National Rain Forest. I joked the entire trip that Puerto Rico was best viewed facing the Ocean. That is until I got to El Yunque. We had a magnificent guide who pointed out the indigenous species of the rain forest: the stick bug, the many breeds of orchids and my favorite the Coqui frog. Although I cannot remember the guide’s name, I can still hear his voice rising and falling an octave as he said, “Check it out” followed by some interesting description of a creature he had discovered.

“Check it out.”

“What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates his fate” (Thoreau 1634). If I take my cues from Thoreau, from nature, I believe it is possible. Thoreau says, “We need to witness our own limits transgressed and some life pasturing freely where we never wander” (1802).

“Check it out.”

I think that is what Thoreau, Emerson and the transcendentalist movement prescribed. To check it; to get out of your box; to get out of your head; to trust yourself; to do something different. Because there is, a sense of freedom in that trust and because you never know where that different may take you.

Creative Commons License
Balderdash Nonsense by
Cassie Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© Cassie Turner and Balderdash Nonsense, 2009 – 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cassie Turner and Balderdash Nonsense with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Works Cited

“American Transcendentalism Web.” Virginia Commonwealth University. Web. 27 Mar. 2010. <>.

Lecture. Walden Lecture by Professor Ann M. Woodlief. Virginia Commonwealth University, 1994. Web. 25 Mar. 2010. <>.

St, James Elaine. Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways to Slow down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter. New York: MJF, 2001. Print.

Thoreau, Henry D. “Walden.” 1854. Anthology of American Literature. Ed. George L. McMichael Et Al. 9th ed. Vol. 1. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 1612-8111. Print.

“Transcend | Define Transcend at” | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 25 Mar. 2010. <>.

“Transcendental Legacy–Sugg Essay.” Virginia Commonwealth University. Web. 27 Mar. 2010. <>.

“Transcendentalism | Define Transcendentalism at” | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 25 Mar. 2010.         <>.

Turner, Cassie A. “If I Had a Genie.” Editorial. Central Florida Future [Orlando] 27 Mar. 10, Saturday ed., Column sec. Central Florida College Media Network, 27 Mar. 2010. Web. 27 Mar. 2010.     <>.

Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Web. 28 Mar. 2010. <>.

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Cover of Walden

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Central Florida Future – More H1N1 vaccines available

Central Florida Future – More H1N1 vaccines available.


24,000 vaccines requested last week

By Cassie Turner

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Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Updated: Wednesday, November 11, 2009


John Choi

Danny Demoraes’ brother died of pneumonia, a complication of the H1N1 virus. Demorae, a senior at UCF, received his H1N1 vaccine last Thursday.


John Choi

A month after he watched his 27-year-old brother die of complications caused by the H1N1 virus, UCF senior Danny Demoraes entered the second-floor conference room at Health Services to receive the flu vaccine.

David Demoraes was two weeks away from becoming a firefighter in August when he began complaining of a cough, vomiting and body aches. By the end of the month he had been admitted to a hospital suffering from pneumonia, a complication of H1N1.

On Oct. 3, after a month-long battle, a blood clot blocked one of his arteries, causing his blood pressure to drop to zero, Demoraes said.

“I felt his heart take its last couple beats,” Demoraes said. “My brother and I used to do everything together. Now everything has changed.”

Danny Demoraes received his vaccine Thursday — one of the 1,500 doses available to students, faculty and staff delivered to UCF Health Services, 24,000 had been requested.

“It’s worth getting the vaccine because you just don’t know who it’s going to hospitalize…who it’s going to kill,” Demoraes said. “If the school is offering free vaccines why not prevent it beforehand?”

Chad Binette of UCF News & Information said that there have been 35 cases of H1N1 confirmed at UCF. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

in Atlanta, college-aged people are within a more at-risk category.

“For instance, between ages 5 and 24, the CDC estimates 2,196 cases per 100,000, but only 107 per 100,000 in the 65 and older age group,” Binette said. “UCF is one of the first Florida universities to receive vaccines and getting the vaccine is the best way to stay healthy and protect yourself from the H1N1 virus. The vaccine is safe and effective, and students can get it for free.”

Thomas Sutton, a UCF freshman micro & molecular biology major, agrees. Sutton said he gets his vaccine as a “force of habit” every year, but his grandmother nearly dying of the virus raised his awareness about H1N1.

Claudia Witcher, nursing director for UCF Health Services, began each session with a short presentation explaining to attendees the differences between the two vaccines. The shot is made of dead viral particles, whereas the attenuated nasal vaccine is a live virus that replicates only in the nostril, Witcher said.

“For homework, go out and tell your friends how easy it is, because we need all students to be immunized,” said Pharmacy Manager Sheryl Gamble.  

Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, reported Friday that 129 children have died from H1N1.

According to the CDC, Novel influenza A, H1N1, is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April 2009. It was determined that the virus was spreading from person to person with the infection causing a wide range of flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. In addition, many people also have reported nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to H1N1.

As of Nov. 1, the WHO reported the pandemic has infected 199 countries and overseas territories and caused more than 6,000 deaths.

According to a health alert put out by the CDC on Nov. 6, most people who get H1N1 will have a mild illness and recover in fewer than two weeks. Others, however, are more likely to get flu complications that result in hospitalization and, occasionally, death. Complications can include pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and ear infections, or worsen chronic health problems such as asthma or congestive heart failure. The CDC urges clinicians to begin antiviral treatment of suspected persons based on direct observation as opposed to relying on rapid influenza tests or laboratory confirmation.

It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to become effective in the system, Witcher said.

She recommends maintaining good hand washing practices, not sharing food or drink with others and employing good coughing and sneezing etiquette in the interim.

“My brother was all about helping people,” Demoraes said. “If anything, he would be happy that at least this message can get out there and help other people. That’s what he would have wanted.”



A caricature of John Updike from The New York ...

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It is no secret; Authors such as John Updike, Ernest Hemingway, and George Bernard Shaw sat down every morning, without fail, and wrote. Some counted pages, some counted words. Some stopped mid- sentence, mid-process, mid-flow when they reached their daily goal. Others did not. James Thurber said, “Don’t get it right; get it written.” How did the literary geniuses do it, when getting started is the hardest part? Since the beginning of Creative Writing 2001, I have discovered a brave new world in fiction writing. What I think, I thought I knew I did not. I knew nothing. Writing is damn hard and the line between art and cliché is as thin as the line between love and hate.

Realizing the only way to start is to start. We are a conflicted group. How do you start with the constant barrage of interruptions? The tea calls from the cupboard. Make me. The cat purrs. Scratch me. The dishes pile. Wash me. The phone rings. Answer me. It is procrastination. Finally, you sit down to write and nothing happens. You want to smash your computer into smithereens, bash your head on a gritty sidewalk…anything would be less painful. Then you get an idea. A glimmer of hope emerges. You are tossing it around when your critic shows up. He tells you it sucks and so do you. You tell him he is not welcome, that is he who sucks, not you. You are a writer, an artist. You toss him out, but he is a persistent bugger. Joe Schuster chair and associate professor in the Communications and Journalism department at Webster University believes: “The fear is the disease, the block just the symptom.”

Shuster among others believe in order to combat block a process must be employed. Free write, journal, blog; write anything and everything that comes to mind. Go ahead; explore and experiment. Write about the things you know, research what you do not, but keep in mind that research does not replace experience. The blank page is not your prison; it is your playground. There is more reality in fiction than you think. Use everything; nothing is sacred. Be furtive, no one is looking. You have an immense power called revision. Earnest Hemingway said, “All first drafts are shit.” Hemingway is right, but do not let it stop you. Through first drafts, I have learned as much about myself, perhaps more, as I have about the process.

American Author Ernest Hemingway aboard his Ya...

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If we look at art as our design and craft as the execution, how do we bridge the gap? How do we take a killer idea, a rambling of free writes and shape them into a gripping narrative? Art defined is as the creation of beautiful or thought-provoking works, produced through creative activity, skill or the ability to do something well using a set of techniques in a particular field or a superior skill that is learned by study, practice, and observation. It is the process or product of deliberate arrangement of elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions encompassing a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression. A craft defined is a profession or activity that requires skill, training, experience, or specialized knowledge to produce or create something with skill and care. As artists, we break out our drafting tools. We study the process. We invest time in learning how to structure a story and design a grabbing plot. How to use point of view and show character nuance while creating time, space and place details that ignite the five senses. We evoke theme using metaphorical comparisons, symbolism, and allegory. We strive to manufacture tense conflicts; crises converge, and offer resolution in blinding twists.

Writing is damn hard. Good writing is even harder. Learning the art of storytelling is not simple, but it does have a formula: read, write, revise, and repeat…read, write, revise, and repeat. So, if you are going through Hell now, keep going because writing is less expensive than therapy. In the words of Joe Schuster, “I can learn to write badly until I learn to write well.”

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